Monday, September 24, 2007

let's see how this goes

I (Benay) love to read blogs. My friend Kara has an amazing blog that I read at least 3 times every week. I also stalk a few people I don't know because I love their blogs. I also love famous blogs like dooce. One of my favorites is this girl's blog of her critique of the baby-sitter's club, a series favorite of mine as a child.

But blogging is difficult for most people. It's the pressure to be entertaining and witty and update often that turns people off blogging, I think. I'm the proud owner of 2 dead blogs, the infamous xanga and the lesser known livejournal. I blog occasionally on my myspace page, but very rarely.

So why the sudden urge to start this commitment now? I'm not entirely sure. I'm getting married in 26 days and I feel very sentimental most of the time and want to document EVERYTHING. I'm saving receipts, cutting out the shower announcement from the church bulletin, printing out emails from friends regarding the wedding. It's getting ridiculous. But this is such an important time. I want to look back on it and remember every detail, right?

I hope that this blog gains readers and they are as entertained with my anecdotes as I have been with various blogs in cyberspace. Enjoy.


Nick Fossey said...

Way to go babe! Be sure to include all the funny things I say throughout the day. (that should keep you pretty busy)